Looking for a good home.
Yes, we’re looking for a good home for this organ from the famous Dutch maker of church organs, Johannus. Originally bought by an enthusiastic organist for his private use in 1989, this organ is
still in a fine condition and would suit a small church or organ enthusiast. Finished in solid oak with bench, it presents really well.
When purchased, the Australian list price for this organ was A$12,186. We’re keen to find a good home for the fine example of an electronic organ. We will let it go for a small amount, well below its real value, to a buyer who appreciates its value. Call Marius on (0411) 248 617 to register your interest, request further information or an inspection on site in Penrith, NSW.
Download the Johannus Opus225 Brochure and Opus 225 User Manual.
[Later: we’ve found a good home for it at Rochford Place, Ropes Crossing.]
Interested in this organ if still available??