Johannes Calvijnschool

Simon 1959

While the focus here is on our parents, Jo and Adri, it’s inevitable that we’re faced with our own history.

I spotted the photo of Simon in the assortment of memorabilia waiting for him to pick up next time he’s in Penrith. And yes, I’m returning it to his “cache” before he misses it.

Marius 1959

It figures that there was a photo of yours truly from the same year (1958-59) and sure enough, there was.

Harry, did you find a photo from the same year as well?

The Johannes Calvijnschool was our primary school while we lived on the Cannenburghlaan. I found class photos of the period at website and downloaded a few class photos of Simon’s class of 1956 and 1958 as well as my class of 1958.
Surely you recognise us? (click on the photos for a larger version)

Simon 1956
Simon 1958
Marius 1958